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Showing posts with label Hot Dating tips. Show all posts

Thursday, May 7, 2015

How to Turn a Woman on the Right Way

Knowing how to turn a woman on will determine whether there will be true excitement, intimacy and passion or not. Meeting the right girl is not enough; you have to know how to ignite that raw passion deep within her that will turn her on, and not just for a few seconds, but for the whole time she is next to you. This act needs you to be perfect and well-informed to make the right move at the right time. Well, put what you believe aside and let us look at how to turn a woman on the right way.

Use your voice
Knowing how to control the tone and pitch of your voice will go a long way in turning a woman on. Not every man has a sexy, husky voice, but you can learn to bring it out to have the effect you want. Your voice is an integral part in knowing how to turn a woman on right. Learn how to relax your voice and feel it emanate from deep within your chest. Pronounce words in the proper way and control the pace of your words as you talk. Do not talk too fast to appear nervous or too slow to be boring. While talking, ensure you maintain eye contact with her.

Hot pillow talk
How to turn a woman on the right way involves many aspects, one of them being pillow talk. This needs perfect timing to have the desired effect. During this stage, maintain the deep husky voice that is both passionate and sensual, but this time consisting of brief whispers which are audible. Compliment her on relevant things you can see. Tell her how beautiful her eyes are, how soft her skin is, how you love her smile, and many more praises but don't overdo it. She will see the emotional side of you and yearn to be next to you.

Kiss her
Do you really want to know how to turn a woman on for real? Don't leave out the ultimate weapon - the kiss. Women love to be kissed, and the one you have next to you is no exception. Take your time to gently but passionately kiss her. Use the small kisses, in different spots of her body that will put her in high gear for deeper kisses. Kissing is not all about groping your tongue all over her body, you need to know where to kiss her and how. Know how to tease her with your tongue and you will be in for a great time!

Get close to her
Knowing how to turn a woman on without getting close is useless. You cannot turn her on while seated at the end of the room while she is at the opposite end! Get as close to her as possible, so that she can feel your voice as well as read your body language. While talking to her, hold her hand and keep rubbing it gently because, the more near she feels you, the more turned on she will become.
Whatever you do, make your woman feel that you are not out for your own selfish gains, but you are out to satisfy both of you. With these tactics, you have the perfect solution on how to turn a woman on the right way.

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